Core Java
Core Java- 19/5(Intro,Features,JDK/JRE )
Platform Independent
High Performance
Java is 100% object oriented everything is in class in c++ you can write main outside classs.
java is compiled and intrepeted language.
JIT(Just in Time) Compilier:-
work just before execuation.
It conver some part of code directly into machine understanding.
because of this language become faster it avoid read and convert time.
Security over the internet
Automatic Memory Management
Expection Handelling
Distributed(Remote Server involved)
First Program
When the class is decleared as public then the name of program should be class name..
static method can called without object creation thats why used in main.
is the object called for print,out
object is accessible using System class.println()
is a method.At least one class should be public because of
.Class name always should be start with capital.
System=Class, out=object, println()=function.
Setting path of java/javac(for setting epath of java and javac you need following steps.).
for run program javac programName.
javac -version is used to check the version of java.
*Bytes code(.class) always based on class name,if program name and class name is not equal then .class file name will be class name not a program name. *
javac programName
java .classFileName
20/5 (OOPs,Major and Minor piller)
Introduction of Object Oriented Programming
Procedural Programming
To overcome from this disadvantage they come up with new concept i.e OOP
Object Oriented Programming
It is instance of the class
It representing real life entity- customer,student, account
Object has some state and behavior.
Every object has some identity and role to be play in system
Some objects are actually physically present those are called as tangible entity/object.(eg. student, laptop,hard-disk)
Some objects are not actually physically present those are called as non-tangible entity/object (eg. data, account,software)
Object is something which present the real life tangiable non tangable entity which have some identity and role to be played.
State and behavior of objects
Set of values given to the common attributes which are used for describing the object.
State is description of the object.
Eg. there is a car which has some compay name,color,number..etc
So if the object is
then the state of the object are Maruti,Black,mh14p8254..etcState is the description of object.
There is some functionality/behavior/role of object like car speed in program it is like function.
State= Set of values
Four Major Piller of OOP
Major Piller
Minor Piller
Strong typing
Minor Piller
1) Strong Typing
Perticular type of input of way of typing or wiritng code.
2) Concurrency
Simultaneous Execution eg. Notepad spelling check
3) Persistance
Perment Storage/Database
Major Piller
1) Abstraction
Selective ignorance
It helps in reducing the complixity of code.
Process of seperation which take what is needed.
It focous on what is needed/required and discart everything else.
2) Encapsulation
State(data) and Behavior(function) are inseparable thats why we use Encapsulation
State and behavior will always together bundled into one unit is clalled Encapsulation.
Advantage- 1.Data hiding/helps to restrict access of data
2.Data Binding
3.Complex functionlity can be hidden so that simple UI is used for use of object.
4.Hide Complixity and give simple functions to the user
Class is the best example of encapsulation.
3) Inheritance
Its about the "is a" relationship.
If t entity having "is a" relationship then there is Inherantance.
Adventage 1.Reusability/reusing of code.
2.It creates the basics of polymorphism
Spealize entity from existing generalize entity by adding some extra state and behavior.
4) Polymorphism
Polymorphism:- Same massage given to common entity of different object.(different function defication)
Encaspulatio Unit
21/5 (Data Types, Memory Management, Constructor, this)
Data Types
Value type (premative) int,char,short,double,float eg. char ch;
Memory Management in java
main method variable is in stack.
Object are stored in heap.
is going to create to object in heapheap data members(data in heap/object) are always initilize value 0.
Garbage collector is actually removing the unreferancing objects from the heap.
In java in switch case you can use int abd string also.
One advanced for loop(each for) is added in java.
Class(acts as encapsulation unit) never occupy any memory.
Is the function have same name as class.
If you dont write constructor there is default constractor(zero argument).
It has no any return type.
There is two type of constructor 1. parameterise 2.non-parameterise.
If you dont write any constructor then the default will be there if the you pass with argumrent you have to write the cinstructor.
If you write paramatrised constractor then the default is not avalible.
We can write N number of constructor but parameter should be different. No constructor :- Default constructor call Constructor with parameter :- have to define parametrised constructor Both (para/non para) :- Both are avalible but parameter constructor have to define (eg. con(), con(int a, int b))
Constructor follow all the rules of polymorphism.
Constructor assign the local variable value to instance variable.
which constructor will use is depends on creation of object.
If you create a object of parameterised constructor then only parameterised constructor will call
is the referance is refering to the current object(for which constructor is called)Refer last point of constructor.
We are assigning the local variable to the instance variable.
22/5 (Garbage Collector, Array)
Garbage Collector
Static can access only static data
Non static access both static and non static
static block,static method,static variable
Static , Array covered portion
24/05 (Association Relation, Wrapper Classes)
Referance equality
Association Relationship/has a relationship
General rule of Encaplusation is declear Data Member as private and method public.
One object inside/contain other object is called has relationship.
Object within object.
Instance of one class contain instance of another class is called has a relationship.
Reusing the class
If you do not assign any value to referance variable it will treat as null.
name and bdate will be null if you dont assign anything to it.
In Value type variable if you dont assign anything then it'll be zero.
int age
will be zero if you dont assign anything to cannot call methoth on null referance you will get error called null pointer expection.
Person is container and and bdate is component.
Adventage:- reusability.
Object Array
Wrapper Class
Is the classes which is replaced to treditional variables for using 100% oops concepts.
It assign object to integer(auto unboxing) and integer to object(auto boxing)
Because of wrapper class java is pure object oriented.
There are 8 premative data type so there is 8 wrapper classes.
Specifically Wrapper classes used in collections.
25/05 (Packages,IDE)
Packages is a namespace/collection of classes interfaces and sub-classes.
Conceptually its a File Manager/File system in our mobile and PC.
Easy to manage the things.
File with same name but in different folder (avoid name conflicts).
Example of build in package java.lang is base and,java.util,java.sql are sub packages.
You can create your own package.
Package name always should start with small letter.
To start package you have to just put
package package_name;
.Always start your program with package include.
Sub packages are imported as
package package_name.sub_package;
When package is complied packages are reflected in folder hierarchy.
Helps in reusability.
Build in package java.lang API.
Package name should be short and small letter.
Command for package compile
javac -d dirpath javafilename
Eclipse IDE
It gives Development support
Eclipse is developed in JAVA
Plugin is avalible for extra features.
Workspace is a current working directory that has to be selected when eclipse is started
Perspective is combinition of views and editors that are required for a perticular type of application.
for auto complete.In project there is option
Build Automically
so thats why its compiling when you typing code.Right click on code then source then generate const from superclass for creating constructor/with field(parameterized) autumatically.
26/05(Inheritance,super(),Overriding, Dynamic Binding, Debug, Scanner)
It has is a relationship.
Creating specialized entity from existing generalized entity by adding extra state and behavior.
Person- name and bdate is state -display()
Emp- empid,salary bev - calSalary()
is keyword for inheritance.
It found is a relationship with each others.
It used for reusability.
Child class recive data members and methods.
Private members are restricted within the class so not avalible for child.
Super() is for accessing super class constructor.
We can access any constructor with the help of super()
super always should call first in subclass.
super() is a representation on the default constructor of the super class.
So if you dont write, it will defaultly call default constructor of super class.
Two methods of same name can be same in super and sub class because they are not in same class this is called method overriding.
Recrusion is calling same method from same method.
The difference between Inheritance and the import in import you cannot access data members of class but in inheritance you can access the data members of super class.
Dynamic Binding
Whenever you create referance of super class you can create object of subclass
Person p = new Emp();
If we call
which display will call, to understand this we need to understand static binding and dynamic binding
static binding (Not used in JAVA)
Binding takes place at compile time
It is based on type of invoking entity
It will resolve on type of
Dynmaic binding (used in java)
Binding takes place at run time.
It resolve on type of object refered by invoking entity i.e object of
/Empolyee.All instance method calls are resolved dynamically so the display() called from empolyee.
27/5 (class objects, c-o overiding)
Class object
Hierarchy of class object object -> class Person -> class Emp
Super class of Person is object and in object following are the methods
Methods oof class Object
public String toString(); public boolean equals(); public void wait(); public int hashCode(); protected void finalize();
By default this methods are present in every class that you create object.
It will print hash map line
Class object overiding
Output of this code is
Name:- shree Birdthday:- utility.Date@5215525a;
To avoid
on the place of birdthdate you need to write return toString() in Date class.If there is toString() is in Emp class then it will call Emp -> toString();
In below code Emp class don't contain toString() but its super class contain the toString() so it call Person -> toString();
And for birdthdate the flow is main -> Emp(not toString()) -> Person(super of Emp) -> toString -> Date -> toString();
It represent object in string.
It convert object to string.
Purpose of toString() and display() are the same but toString print directly with the help of object.
28/5(Multilevel Inheritance,foreach, Abstraction, Access Specificer)
Multilevel Inheritance
The flow of Executing constructor is Person()->Empolyee()->SalesManager()
foreach loop
foreach is only used for array.
Protected data members are accesssible to its sub classes
If you dont write access specificer then the scope is package
Thre is 4 access specifier public, private, protected and default
keywords are 3 and specificers are 4.
Abstract methods that are not decleared in super class.
Methods that are not decleared are used for polyprism.
If one of the method in the class is decleared as abstract then class should be abstract.
Subclass must to complete abstract method if it fail to complete the abstract method then the subclass will be abstract.
creating instance of abstract class is not allow.
we cannot create object of abstract
non abstract classes are concrate class.
non abstract classes can be decleared as abstract
e.calsal(); will not call because it is not in Super class Emp.
In below code
will not compile because It searches the function in super class i.e in Empolyee.That is why abstration concept comes in picture.
So you can declear the method in super class but there is no need to declear that method.
You cannot create object of abstract class.
We cannot create object that's why we use array.
The rule says that class data members should be decleared as private.
Because of this its unable to access in subclass.
So there is 2 options to access that data member i.e 1. make it protected so it will accessable to sub class.
And 2nd option is geter and seter methods.
geter() method return private data member.
seter() set new value to private data members.
final is the keyword in java.
It is exactly opposite abstract.
It cannot be modified/change.
it is fully defined.
It can be used in variable,methods and classes.
final is replacement of const in java.
We can only declear final but you have to initilize it afterwords.
fianl variable decleared all in capital i.e final String NAME="shree"
final Methods cannot be overriden.
eg.class object methods wait(),notify(),notifyAll() are defined final.
final classs cannot be modified
String class in java library is decleared as final.
Because you cannot modified final class, fianl class cannot acts as super class.
final keyword for array.
Interfaces are 100% incomplete.
In interface there are abstract methods and concrete methods.
In Inteface there is only final variable and abstract methods (for now)
Multiple interheritance through the classes is not allow but using interface its allow.
Anything you write in interface it will default take
public static final
It has is a relationship.
You cannot create a object but you can create a referance of interface.
You can create only referance of Interface.
There is no any concerete method in interface( upto java 1.7).
Complesary you have to implement all the methods in sub class.
If two interfaces are extend with each others (A and B)
Then in implement class i.e (X) need to implement both interface methods.
Class and Interface relation
class ---> (extends)---> class
class ---> (implements)---> interface
interface ---> (extends)---> interface
Abstract class and Interface cannot create object.
Make difference between class and Interface.
31/5(typecast, instanceof, interface of java8)
Types of methods
Final Methods
Final methods are defined final it will not modified/override furtere
Concrete Methods
In concrete methods we can override or not also.
Abstract Methods
Abstract methods should be complesary override in subclass
Default Methods
Default methods are decleared in inheritance onwards java8 as concrete methods in inheritance
How multiple inheritance replaced by interfaces
We can use extend and implement both on one class
Convert the type of variable/object
double d=4.6; ---> float f=(float)d;
instanceof and typecast
instanceof is a operator
It return true and false value
Referance below code and error ---> It checks e can be typecasted toITreaveller so remove error that is showed in typecast
e instanceof iTreaveller e source, ITreaveller is destination
It avoid error in runtime
It is intelligent way of checking typecast is valid or not
upcasting is not required (super calss methods are avalible for subclass as it is)
Downcast is required (because subclass methods are not avalible in super class)
Extra ↓
It verified calsalary(); is avalible in person or not
Interface onwards java 8
Previously interface only contain abstract methods
If i go and suddenly add abstract method in interface will breakdown existing classes
When this is realize by the oracal and other developers
Now do not add suddenly any abstract method insted of that use default keyword
Also you can add static method in interface
Now there are three type of methods in interface
Static (not expect to rewrire or overide)
Abstract (compulsory override)
default (do or don't)
Interface can be implement across the hierarchy (Not abstract classes)
Interface deside what to do
Exception Handling
Handling the error occured during run time
Ther is three type of error
Compilation logical run time
Runtime errors are not under the control of the programmer.
Java library many exception classes are already defined
Expection handling revolves around 5 keywords try catch finally and through
Finally block
Real purpose of finally block is not to handle expection.
Even if there is no expection still finally block always get executed
8/7(Java IO, Stream)
Java IO(Input Output)
Stream is a sequence of data which travelling from source to destination
Stream are in
byte Stream
Character Stream
String, char[]
java io is based on 4 abstract classes
Input Stream
Three steps of every IOoperation should be follow
Open Stream
Use Stream
Close Stream
printStream class contain print & println and out is object
In some Stream classes Source and Destination is not defined
to overcome this will use object chaining
Two stream are together for performing some IO.
FullIOoperation = IO Operation1 + IOoperation2
Consol IO
Predefined Stream
.err/.out/.in <-- are the Static datamembers of System class
.out is object of printstrim class
BufferReader is the character reader stream
Some important functions of BufferReader
It return integer single char
int i =;
It return String
String str = br.readLine();
BufferReader return type is char so we need to parse a data as follow
Parsing BufferReader
File IO
File Reader
FileInput -byte read
FileReader - char read
FileOutputStream - byte write
FileWriter - char write
Creating Stream
It need information of file
We gave info as String path or file object
File object contain metadata (the data about data)
file size, readable,extra path contain in metadata
There is two way that we can pass the file to file stream
one is direct path
and another is File object
File path
The benifites of passing FileObject is we can use multiple functions in
File Writer
Byte Stream
Character Stream
Reading file
Reading data by Char array
Buffered Stream
Buffer is pulling data from file
Buffer is temp memory to file IO
Loding the next data is done by buffered
The purpose of buffered is memory IO and to avoid disk IO
Disk IO is slower are taking time
Same is applicable to write
program first write data in buffered when buffered is full then it will flush the data to file
flushing is occured when buffered is full
Also closing the stream will flush the data
flush() is also used to flush the data to file
Giving the size to buffered is optional you can give with one of constructor
Accouding to stream we need to pass object
Previousely we directly read/write data from hdd now here we read/write data with the help of buffered
Object IO
Serialzation/ Deserialzation
Saving/writing object state in some perment media like file and DB
Retrive object state in some perment media like file and DB
Streams used for it is
ObjectOutputStream --> write object/serialization
ObjectInputStream --> read object/deserialization
We are dealing with object here
We are saving the
of the object in file/dbstate
are the all instance data membersstatic data members will discarted here because they are realted with class
No methods i.e
Only set of all instance data members are saved
Some instance data members may be excluded, you can use keyword
int empid, date doj, long noOfDays, String name are the state of object
transient is used to not save data, syntax -->
transient long noOfDays
Object that is getting Searialized should have serializable implemented
Serialized interfaces are empty they dont contain any methods they are called
marker interface
it only used for marking the object for serializationOnly Serialized objects can be searized else it will create
association has a
interface is a
In is a relation do it at the level of super class
In has a relationship do seperately for all component
If implementation of serialization is done for parent class then child class automatically affected
for sealization we us
supported withFileOutput
byte stream are compactable with byte stream character stream is only compactable with char stream
for reading object from file we need
osi.readObject() is the method which read the object or return object
then we have to do down typecast to see the data
Collection Framework
It gives readymade classes which have implemented a perticular data structure
It is all collection classes will store collection of objects not premetive data types
Collections cannot be of int value but cab be of Integer object
Collection freamework is redesigned after 1.2 v
It is clsses which is acting as datastructure
Classes are bases on set of interfaces
base interface is Collection
there is few methods which are required in all collections like
Collection is further extended to
Set is further divided into
list can consist of duplicates
set is set of unique data
we are going to see classes in interface (list set and queue)
List Interface
Duplicate elements are allowed in list
abstractList is a class
Two important list classes are
ArrayList is most used collection
ArrayList can dynamically grow and shrink and workded as array
when there is requirment to search data then we use ArrayList
When there is requirment to add/delete data then we use LinkedList
is generics which will add type safty to the collection
because of this we can oly add string no need of typecast
Utility Classes
It is collection of objects
You can add any object to collection
Base of collection is lies on set interface
Collections is interface has some methods add,remove..etc
Collections is extended to List, Set and Queue
In list duplicate are allow
Iterator method for ittration data from collection
**** // Collection upto Reversion
Collection freame work
Types of collections classes
adding, removing, Itreating
common algos Collections (class with static methods)
Map key value map --> set
lagecy classes
We can iterate data from three ways from collections
Advanced for loop
using iterator
List Iterator(only for list)
Advanced for loop
using iterator
Iterator has two methods as follow
ListIterator has three methods as follow
Hashing is the storing a data in a perticular way
What is thread? Compare thread process?
why mltithread application
thread life cycle
creating a simple thread
There is two different way to creating thread
extends Thread (Class)
implement runnable (Interface)
Specific to the task
control the task
In runnable it has only on method that is run();
Create a thread
Runnable is always depend on thread
Threasd Synchronization
Because of Multiple thread we achive better performancw
when multiple thread share common resource (object) it may lead to data inconsistancy
Thread Sync is needed when multiple thread share common resource (Object)
Because of every thread is giving some time so it not able to complet its task
So 1st thread will lock object
others process will go to waiting because object is locked
and when 1st complete the task then it will unlocak
Best example is ATM
Here is the dealy of time but we are achiving here data consistency
keyword is used to locking the objectyou can use sync keyword on block of code or method
what why where
Programming language
For building applications(web,mobile)
All over industry
It is a programming language based on OOP's concepts
Java Virtual Machine
Running Java
Installed in system for running java
To allow Java programs to run on any device or operating system (known as the "Write once, run anywhere" principle), and to manage and optimize program memory
Java Development Kit
Required by developers for developing and testing the application
In development enviroment
Java Runtime Environment
It is needed by client machine to run existing java application (already compiled)
In development enviroment
Object Orinted Programming
Structuring the programming language
Used in programming languages like c++/java
Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm based on the concept of "objects", which can contain data and code
Major Piller of OOP
Abstration, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphim
Minor Piller of OOP
Strong typing, Concurrency, Persistance
Compiled by Shreeshail Vitkar Feel free to fork @ C-dac Notes
Last updated
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