Web Programming
Introduction to Web
Network of Networks
ARPANET project undertaken by US defence
HTML forms
Specifices the name of attribute
Specifies the URL of the program where to send the form data
Specifice the HTTP method used for sending the data
Specifice where to display the response that is received after submitting the form. possible values are _blank, _self, _parent, _top
Specify how the form data should be encoded
Styling info will be written separately
.css file
General look and feed for the website
Selector should be the tag
Styling info will be writterrn in the same HTML page wing style tag in head section
Styling info will be written along with element
Style attribute
with the tag-specific
Everypage web page can take css from external(font),internal(paddding) and inline(color)
Domination of css
ID and Class
ID is unique name
Class is we classify in one catagory
. is used in css for class selection
Java Script
It used as client side scripting language
To avoid load on server we need Js
Every thing cannot be send to server
It is also called client side scripting
Js is intrepted language '
Errors will be releved at the the of excuation
Browser is the interpeter of js language
JS is called as lightweight language
Js interpreter is very small size
Loosely typed language
Does not have support for fileIO and DB
It is used or generating dynamic HTML
It is used for data validation on client side
JS can be empaded in a existing HTML for this we use
Js can be even written in external file
document.write("Hello World");
JS Objects
1.Language Supported
2.Browser Objects
3.DOM Objects
Objects contain one or more key-value pairs
The key portion can be anything string and value can be anything in value in number,string
As it turns out, nearly everything in js is an object like arrays,functions, numbers even string
And they all have properties and methods.
Functions in JS
Function Return
Dynamic HTML
Factorial in JS
Array and Build in Objects JS
Regular Expression in js
DOM Manipulation
AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.
AJAX is not a programming language.
AJAX just uses a combination of:
A browser built-in XMLHttpRequest object (to request data from a web server)
JavaScript and HTML DOM (to display or use the data)
Advantage of AJAX
Ajax is used to perform a callback, making a quick round trip to and from server to retrive and save the data without posting the entire data.\
Making Asynchronous Calls - Ajax allows you to make Asynchronous call to a web server. This allow to the client browser to avoid waiting for all data for arriving before allowing user to act one more.
User Friendly
Because a page postback is begin to eliminated, ajax enables applications will always be more responsive faster and more user friendly
Increase speed
because of callback and Asynchronous it willincrease the speed
HTML DOM using jQuery
jQuery Effects Animate
26/6 Node JS
It is a server side language
Ryan Dahl used JS v8 engine to develope Node js (v8 engine was a part of chrome )
Node JS runs as a single thread application which is called event loop
Event loop recive and send request maintained in queue
Advantage is Scability and Performance
Opensource with MIT licence
Lightweight framework which include bare minimum module
When you install Node it will automatically install NPM(Node package manager)
It is used to install various node modules
These node modules are avalible in center respo
Node Modules
Core Module
Local Module
Third party module
Use of http module to create server
States and modifing it with functions
Last updated
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